You Can Help!

Services / Guardianship Program

Available in Orange and Seminole Counties.

With the utmost respect for the autonomy of our seniors, our Guardianship Program ensures that those who may face challenges in decision-making have a trustworthy ally by their side. As needed and when needed, our team becomes not just guardians but caring companions, navigating the intricate terrain of legal and healthcare matters with sensitivity and respect. 

Office of Public Guardian
Seniors First serves as the Public Guardian for Orange and Seminole Counties, providing professional guardianship services, at the direction of the courts, to incapacitated adults of limited financial means. 

Seniors First is monitored by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs Statewide Office of Public and Professional Guardians and is a member of the Florida Professional Guardianship Association.

Click here for the Seniors First Guardianship Application.

Online Guardianship Training Class
This 8-hour class is led by vetted experts in the field and covers a variety of topics in the area of guardianship. Instructors will discuss things like the duties of a guardian or guardian advocates, ethics and standards, the court process and expectations of the court, instruction on the powers and duties of a guardian of the property, and more. 

2024 Class Schedule:

September 19th
November 21st

Click here to register for the Online Guardian Training Class (this is different than the Seniors First Guardianship application above.)

Class Fees:
$100 per individual or appointed guardian
$50 per additional person

In order to register, you need a verifiable email address, as all communications for the class will be via email. A computer, tablet, or smartphone with a camera will be required for the class. You will also need reliable Internet service as the classes are conducted via the Zoom online platform.

Note: Certificates of credit for this class will only be given to those who attend the full 8-hour session. Instructors must be able to verify and document your presence and participation.

For additional questions, call 407-723-1375 or email